
Larix decidua

European Larch

larch basics

Maxwell Arboretum's European Larch (Larix decidua) was planted in the fall of 2007 as part of a small collection of deciduous conifers. This larch species is a remnant from from the vast coniferous European forests of the ice ages.

Larches are exceptionally beautiful trees, from the emergence of the tufts of foliage along their stems in April, to their strobiles, to the delicate and fine appearance that they present through the summer, to their final breathtaking color in the fall. They turn late, well into November,with the inner leaves turning yellow first making them appear to glow from within.

Larch fall color
Larch emerging foliage
Larch fall foliage

Larix decidua Gallery

Larch foliage
Larch form
Larch fall foliage
Larch Botanical Illustration
Description: 1. Branchlet with vegetative shoot with leaves whorl-like clustered on spurs (a - l) and located single on long shoots (m - o). - 2. Branchlet with developed cluster of needles on spurs (a - d) and developing long shoot (e) - 3. Branchlet with male (a - d) and female (e, f) strobiles with a cone from the previous year (g), and an older one (h). - 4. Winter-branchlet with a cone (a). - 5. Cone-scales: seed-scale with bract from outer (abaxial) side (a) and (with seeds) from inner (adaxial) side (b). - 6. Seed with wing (a, b) and after the wing was removed (c - e). - 7. Seedling. After Hempel & Wilhelm, 1889. Photos and explanations from the book: Zelimir Borzan. "Tree and Shrub Names in Latin, Croatian, English, and German, with synonyms", University of Zagreb, 2001.
larch fall foliage
larch fall foliage
larch in fall
Larch bark
Larch young red cone
New Cone
larch cones
Larch cone close up
larch stand in th efall
A stand of larch in the fall