Quercus buckleyi ∙ Texas Red Oak

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Latin Name:
Quercus buckeyli
Common Name: Texas Red Oak, Buckley Red Oak

Quercus buckleyi range map

Family: Fagaceae
Division: Red
Native range: Central Texas into Oklahoma, and Kansas.
Sun/Shade: Sun
Height × Width: 45'+ × 30'
Zones: 5

Flower: male flowers in catkins

Leaves: 2½-5" × 2-4", deeply divided by 5-9 (usually 7) pointed lobes which are broadest at the tip, end in bristle-tipped teeth, shiny dark green above, pale green with tufts of hair in vein axils below. Bright red fall color.

Fruit: mature 2nd year, egg-shaped, brown stripes. .5-.7" long, shallow cup covers 1/3 - ½ of acorn.

Buds: grayish brown to reddish brown, egg-shaped.

Bark: dark gray

Wildlife: Leaves and acorns can be toxic.

Disease issues:

Cultural Uses: Choctaw: Burned bark and black gum ash added to water and used as a red dye



Related to Shumard Oak but leaves are glossier and smaller. Infertile hybrids common in east TX (hybrid line from Dallas to San Antonio).
Drought and heat tolerant.
Named for Travis Buckley, botanist and geologist of Texas.
See: "Typification of the Oak (Quercus) Taxa Described by S. B. Buckley (1809-1884)." Laurence J. Dorr and Kevin C. Nixon. Taxon, 1985 34:2 (May), 211-228. https://www.jstor.org/stable/1221780

Where to find Quercus buckleyi in Maxwell Arboretum:

Quercus buckleyi location map

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All images in Maxwell Arboretum unless otherwise noted.

Quercus buckleyi leaves maxwell

buckleyi acornsImmature Acorns
Bob Henrickson, Nebraska Statewide Arboretum
Acorns from trees at the Ferguson House, Lincoln, NE

Quercus buckleyi leaves
Summer Foliage
photo: Nebraska Statewide Arboretum, location unknown

Quercus buckleyi fall color
Fall Color
Texas A&M University

Quercus buckleyi plaque

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