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Latin Name: Clematis terniflora
Common Name: Sweet Autumn Clematis
Family: Ranunculaceae
Vining technique: twining and leaf petiole tendrils
Native range: Japan, China, Korea, Mongolia, Russian Far East, Taiwan
Introduced: late 1800s
Sun/Shade: sun- part shade
Height: to 15'+
Zones: 5-9
Flowers are usually bisexual, although monoecious vines (with separate male and female flowers) may occur.
Flower: Creamy-white, 4 sepals, fragrant, August-October
Leaves: pinnately compound, semi-evergreen
Fruit: Achene
Seed heads: ornamental, feather-like styles
Prune: blooms on new wood, prune Feb.-March
Wildlife: Attractive to bees, leaves toxic to mammals
Notes: Invasive in some situations. Can be left to sprawl on the ground or over walls.
Where to find Clematis terniflora:
Common Name: Sweet Autumn Clematis
Family: Ranunculaceae
Vining technique: twining and leaf petiole tendrils
Native range: Japan, China, Korea, Mongolia, Russian Far East, Taiwan
Introduced: late 1800s
Sun/Shade: sun- part shade
Height: to 15'+
Zones: 5-9
Flowers are usually bisexual, although monoecious vines (with separate male and female flowers) may occur.
Flower: Creamy-white, 4 sepals, fragrant, August-October
Leaves: pinnately compound, semi-evergreen
Fruit: Achene
Seed heads: ornamental, feather-like styles
Prune: blooms on new wood, prune Feb.-March
Wildlife: Attractive to bees, leaves toxic to mammals
Notes: Invasive in some situations. Can be left to sprawl on the ground or over walls.
Where to find Clematis terniflora:
Clematis terniflora seed heads
Clematis terniflora scrambling up a Norway Spruce,
north of the arboretum
Clematis terniflora cascading down a large wall
Clematis terniflora sprawling over a stone wall, north end of the Maxwell Arboretum Vine Arbor
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