Celastrus scandens

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Latin Name: Celastrus scandens
Common Name: American Bittersweet
Family: Celastraceae
Vining technique: twining

Native range: Central and eastern North America
Sun/Shade: sun to part shade
Height: to 20''
Zones: 3-8
dioecious (primarily)
Flower: greenish-white-yellow, small and inconspicuous, in panicles, June
Fruit: orange-yellow spherical capsules that split in three when ripe in August-October with to red-orange. Ripe fruit has fleshy red seeds (arils).

Prune: late winter-early spring; blooms on new season's growth
Wildife: birds eat the fruits, rabbits and deer eat stems and leaves. Bee-pollinated.
Native use: Leaves, roots, bark for rheumatism, childbirth pain, gastro-intestinal issues, skin ulcers, TB, toothaches. (The fruit is toxic.)

Notes: Plant 1 male for 6-9 females, C. scandens grows on/up other trees and shrubs.

Where to find Celastrus scandens
Celastrus scandens location map
Celastrus scandens fruit                  Celastrus scandens ripe fruit

Celastrus scandens fruit
Unripe Fruit

Celastrus scandens fall color
Fall Color

Celastrus scandens on post